
PAJE founder Rosalind Helfand regularly facilitates workshops, leads discussions, and speaks on a range of environmental and social policy, advocacy, and organizing topics. Past engagements include:

California Takes Action on Biodiversity: A Roundtable Discussion at COP 15

Convened by the California Natural Resources Council at the UN Biodiversity Conference in Montreal in December 2022, Rosalind co-moderated and spoke at this event in her capacity as Co-founder of the California Global Biodiversity Working Group. Along with California Natural Resources Secretary Wade Crowfoot and California Environmental Voters CEO Mary Creasman, this program engaged state elected officials, city officials, nonprofit and tribal leaders, and community activists in a discussion of California’s leadership for biodiversity conservation.

Stakeholders Weigh In: California & the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework — Session Two

California environmental organizations and representatives of the California Natural Resources Agency gathered to discuss priorities for the state’s input to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity. The second of two sessions, this interactive discussion was organized and led by Rosalind Helfand and co-hosts California State Assemblymember Laura Friedman and the California League of Conservation Voters.

Climate Fact vs. Climate Fiction

In this 2022 literary podcast interview, Rosalind discusses her vision for integrating climate change and environmental justice discussions into the Omega Sci-Fi Awards, and her day-to-day work addressing climate change and biodiversity loss.

Connecting the Dots in Environmental Research & Practice: Stakeholder Collaboration

Rosalind Helfand and Sam Young, formerly of the California Native Plant Society, co-presented at the 2022 University of Berkeley Conference on Environmental Conflict and Cooperation, specifically on the topic of “Stakeholder Collaboration: Getting California Involved in International Efforts.”

Stakeholders Weigh In: California & the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework — Session One

Environmental organizations from across California weighed in on priorities for the state’s input to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity. The first of two sessions, this interactive discussion was organized and led by Rosalind Helfand and co-hosts California State Assemblymember Laura Friedman and the California League of Conservation Voters.

Sustainable Storytelling

Panel speaker for the Hollywood Digital Climate Summit.

The Nature of Justice: Meeting the COVID-19 Challenge for People and Planet

Presented and led an independent, virtual interactive discussion promoted by the West Hollywood Women’s Leadership Network.

Citizen Science as Pioneering Social Innovation

Presentated at Girton College, University of Cambridge.

On Fire: California Crisis + Planetary Fixes

Presented on solutions to local to global environmental issues at Rita House in Los Angeles.

iNaturalist as a citizen (community) science engagement tool

Presented at the Museum of Zoology, University of Cambridge.

Citizen Science as Community Service

Presented at the Citizen Science for Conservation Symposium, Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach.

Feminism, Birding & Unexpected Models for Community Based Change

Speaker and workshop facilitator for the Women’s Center for Creative Work in Los Angeles.

Creating Successful Coalitions Across Organizations

Workshop facilitator for the Women’s Center for Creative Work in Los Angeles.

Getting Girls to School! Hopes & Challenges Locally & Globally

Panel curator and moderator for “Cooking Oil” the play in Los Angeles.

Advocacy Trainings for both budding leaders and trained activists to lead community advocacy

Developed and facilitated advocacy training curriculum and trained other advocacy trainers at the National Council of Jewish Women, Los Angeles.

Roe v. Wade Anniversary Reproductive Justice Programs

Spoke at and emceed reproductive justice discussions with the National Council of Jewish Women, Los Angeles.

Graphic Novels Tackling Social Justice & Global Conflict

Panel curator and moderator at LitFest Pasadena.

Sea Change in the City: Community, Culture, & Revolution in L.A.

Presenter for the California World History Association’s 5th Annual Conference in San Diego.