Funding Arrives for the Global Green Recovery Collaborative + Paid Web Developer Position

When the Covid-19 pandemic first spread across the world, the writing was on the wall: The economy will need to recover and it is imperative that this recovery is an investment for thriving biodiversity, a healthy climate, and social and economic equity for people. From the start, this idea was called a “green recovery.”

In summer 2020, Rosalind Helfand embarked on a project with University of Cambridge Conservation Leadership Alumni Network members from around the world. Called the “Global Green Recovery Collaborative” or GGRC, the goal of this project is to facilitate ground up and groundbreaking collaborations amongst people working towards a green recovery. The tool to do this will be an online platform, but its success will be in fostering connections, exchange, and partnerships.

In December 2021, the GGRC received a major two-year grant to take our work to the next level, including a paid website developer position. We are accepting applications until this position is filled. Take a sneak peak of the GGRC here!