Heading to Washington, D.C. to Advocate for the Women’s Health Protection Act (S 217/HR 448)

The Women’s Health Protection Act (S 217/HR 448) is a critical, proactive and pro-choice measure in the U.S. House and Senate endorsed by the National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW). It creates federal protections against state restrictions that threaten women’s health and intrude upon personal decision-making. This legislation would preserve and protect access to safe, legal abortion care and ensure that the constitutional rights of every woman to make her own decision about abortion are secure – no matter where she lives.

In May, I will be heading to Washington D.C. to represent NCJW/California at the 2016 Advocacy Day. Coordinated by the Act for Women campaign, the Advocacy Day is led by the Center for Reproductive Rights. NCJW is a member of the campaign.

As access to reproductive health care (and indeed what is primary health care for many, many women in the United States) and abortion disappears nationwide, this bill is more critical than ever. The women of the United States must not loose their constitutional rights. Learn more HERE.